Self-Confidence and Trust: Lessons from the Story of Hajar (AS)

True self-confidence stems from a deep trust in Allah and in ourselves. Trusting in Allah means surrendering to His divine plan and having faith in His guidance and support. It also involves aligning our actions with what is pleasing to Allah and consistently striving to fulfil our responsibilities. Similarly, trusting in ourselves entails being reliable individuals who keep their word, follow through on commitments, and act with integrity. By cultivating trust in Allah and in ourselves, we lay a strong foundation for self-confidence.

The story of Hajar (AS) provides a compelling example of trust and self-confidence that we can draw valuable lessons from.

As a female Muslim life coach, I believe Hajar’s (AS) story is one of the most empowering examples in Islamic history. She was left in the barren desert of Makkah with her son, Ismail (AS), with only a small amount of food and water. When their provisions were exhausted, Hajar did not despair. Her trust in Allah (SWT) remained firm, and she confidently took action, climbing the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times in search of help. This act of Hajar (AS) is commemorated by Muslims during Hajj, emphasising the significance of her trust and effort.

She could have easily given in to despair, but she chose to trust Allah’s plan and make a strenuous effort to change her situation. This story underlines the importance of combining effort and trust. Self-confidence is not just about believing in ourselves, it’s also about believing in our ability to make a difference through our actions and trusting in Allah’s support.

When her baby, Ismail, scraped the ground with his feet, the well of Zamzam sprang forth. This miraculous event is a testament to Hajar’s unwavering trust in Allah (SWT) and her proactive efforts. Allah rewarded her trust and effort with a miracle that continues to benefit billions of Muslims worldwide.

As Muslim women, Hajar’s story teaches us to be strong and proactive, and to maintain our trust in Allah’s plans, no matter the circumstances. It reminds us that self-confidence and trust in Allah can bring about miracles and that we are capable of overcoming even the most challenging situations with resilience and faith.

In the pursuit of self-confidence, let us be inspired by Hajar (AS) and make sincere efforts while keeping our trust in Allah (SWT). Let us remember that even in the most difficult situations, with trust in Allah and confidence in ourselves, we can achieve the seemingly impossible.

The narrative of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) also delivers a compelling illustration of absolute trust and self-confidence. Allah tells us in the Quran 21:68-69 about the moment when Ibrahim was cast into the fire by his own people for denouncing their idol worship. He uttered the famous words, “Allah (alone) is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.” And, in response, Allah commanded the fire, “O fire, be coolness and safety upon Ibrahim.” Despite being in the midst of a potentially fatal situation, Ibrahim’s (AS) unwavering trust in Allah not only saved him but also endowed him with remarkable self-confidence.

As a Muslim female life coach, I’d like to explore how women today can embody this level of trust and self-confidence in their lives. In our daily lives, we encounter various challenges that can feel as daunting as the raging fire faced by Ibrahim AS. These challenges can stem from societal pressures, personal insecurities, professional obstacles, or family issues. But the story of Ibrahim (AS) teaches us that we can overcome these “fires” in our lives by placing our trust in Allah’s plan and relying on Him alone.

To incorporate this level of trust, it’s important to consistently remind ourselves of Allah’s attributes. He is Al-Wakil, the Trustee, the One who is sufficient to handle the affairs of His creation. When we understand and internalize this, it liberates us from our fears and anxieties, fostering deep-rooted self-confidence.

Trust in Allah should be coupled with trust in ourselves. Understand that Allah has blessed you with unique abilities and talents that make you capable of facing your challenges. Trusting yourself does not mean relying on your strength alone but acknowledging that Allah has given you the tools you need to succeed.

The development of this two-pronged trust can be a transformative experience. It builds resilience and a positive mindset, equipping us to meet our problems head-on with courage and determination. In this way, we become like Ibrahim AS, who had such unshakeable trust in Allah that even a raging fire could not deter him.

In Surah At-Tawbah (The Quran 9:51) says, “Say, ‘Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.’ And upon Allah let the believers rely.” This verse serves as a reminder to rely on Allah’s plan and develop a deep sense of trust in Him and ourselves. This trust forms the bedrock of our self-confidence, allowing us to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and poise.

As a life coach, I am here to guide you through this process, helping you develop the kind of unwavering trust and self-confidence demonstrated by Prophet Ibrahim AS. Remember, every challenge you face is an opportunity to strengthen your trust in Allah and cultivate your self-confidence, leading to personal growth and fulfilment.

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