Developing a Positive Self-Opinion: Lessons from the Stories of Asiya (RA) and Yusuf (AS)

Developing a Positive Self-Opinion: Lessons from the Stories of Asiya (RA) and Yusuf (AS)

Our self-opinion profoundly impacts our self-confidence. Islam teaches us that our worth and value come from Allah, who has created us in the best form and endowed us with unique abilities and talents. In this part, we explore the importance of developing a positive self-opinion rooted in gratitude, self-acceptance, and recognising our strengths and achievements. By engaging in positive affirmations, practising self-love, and focusing on our accomplishments, we can reshape our self-perception and elevate our self-confidence. By aligning our thoughts and opinions about ourselves with the teachings of Islam, we can nurture a strong and healthy sense of self-worth.

Asiya bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh, is an exemplar of maintaining a positive self-opinion and strong faith under challenging circumstances.

Despite living in the palace of the Pharaoh, one of the most oppressive figures in history, Asiya (RA) held firm in her faith and refused to adopt the arrogant beliefs of her husband. She was a secret believer in the message of Musa (AS), and she even looked after him when he was found in the River Nile, despite the potential risk and backlash.

When her faith was ultimately discovered, Pharaoh subjected her to severe punishment. Yet, she remained steadfast and prayed to Allah, “My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise…” (The Quran 66:11). This dua demonstrates her incredible resilience, her unshakeable belief in Allah, and her positive self-opinion, which was not influenced by her oppressive surroundings. She saw herself not as a victim but as a believer looking forward to her eternal home in Paradise.

As Muslim women, Asiya’s (RA) story teaches us to remain steadfast in our faith and to maintain a positive view of ourselves, even in the face of adversity. This positive self-opinion should be anchored in our relationship with Allah and our commitment to our faith, not our circumstances. It’s about recognising our worth as Allah’s creation, appreciating His blessings, and striving to serve His cause, no matter what trials we encounter in life.

Remember, you are valued and loved by Allah. Never let your external circumstances define your self-worth. Like Asiya (RA), hold firm to your faith and look forward to the rewards that Allah has promised His faithful servants.

Likewise, the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) is a powerful testament to the value of maintaining a positive self-opinion, even in the face of immense hardship. Despite being sold into slavery by his own brothers, as narrated in Surah Yusuf (The Quran 12:19), Yusuf (AS) did not see himself as a victim or allow his circumstances to diminish his self-worth. He held firm in his belief in Allah and His divine plan, which eventually led him to be appointed as the treasurer of Egypt, a high-ranking position.

His journey shows us that maintaining a positive self-opinion isn’t about ignoring or denying difficulties but about reframing our perspective of these situations and our place within them. Yusuf (AS) didn’t let his circumstances define him; instead, he drew strength from his faith in Allah and his sense of self-worth.

As a Muslim female life coach, I often see women struggling with negative self-perception due to various challenges in their lives. But remember, your self-worth isn’t determined by external circumstances but by how you perceive yourself and your relationship with Allah.

A positive self-opinion in Islam is rooted in the understanding that our value and worth come from Allah. He has created us in the best form (The Quran 95:4) and endowed us with unique talents and abilities. By recognising these gifts and using them to serve Allah and our communities, we can cultivate a positive self-image.

Developing a positive self-opinion requires consistently challenging and reframing negative thoughts about ourselves. This could involve engaging in positive affirmations, practising self-love, and focusing on our achievements. Celebrate your strengths, learn from your weaknesses, and always remember your worth in the eyes of Allah.

Remember the story of Yusuf (AS). Despite the challenges he faced, he held firm to his positive self-perception and trust in Allah’s plan. His story serves as a potent reminder of the resilience and self-belief we can cultivate, no matter what life throws our way. As your life coach, I’m here to guide you on this journey towards nurturing a positive self-opinion and a robust sense of self-worth firmly grounded in the teachings of Islam.

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