Unleashing Potential, Elevating Faith

Empowering Muslim Women with the resources, skills and mindset to excel.

Ready to assess your life and receive personalised expert guidance on how to enhance it?

From Faith to Fulfillment

My dear sister, do you ever feel like a bird, continuously soaring through the skies but weighed down by everyday challenges? The constant battle to balance your faith, personal growth and the demands of everyday life can leave you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.

My dear sister, there is a way to overcome these challenges and achieve the life you envision. Together, let’s navigate the winds of adversity and chart a course towards your dreams.

Let me assure you, you are not alone in this journey.

Alhamdulillah, having guided and mentored hundreds of Muslim women over several years, I have witnessed the unique struggles and aspirations that reside within each of you. I know your heart yearns for more - to broaden your spiritual horizons, cultivate meaningful relationships and make a lasting positive impact on the world.

Give glad tidings, and do not cause people to flee. Make things easy and do not make things difficult.


Read My Blog

Explore enlightening articles and inspiring stories designed to guide you towards a life of excellence. These resources offer invaluable perspectives, effective strategies and profound wisdom, helping you balance your faith, relationships and personal well-being. Immerse yourself in empowering narratives that don't just help you navigate life's challenges but also inspire you to constantly strive for personal enhancement and spiritual growth.

How I Can Help You Soar to New Heights

RISE Membership

A Monthly Life Coaching Membership for Muslim Women

A transformative membership that helps you experience personal growth, cultivate empowering relationships and make a lasting impact.

Through inspiring content, personalised coaching and a supportive sisterhood community, RISE is your path to overcome challenges, unleash your full potential and live an empowered life aligned with your values and aspirations.

FLY Mentoring

Soar to New Heights with Personalised Coaching

The FLY Mentoring programme empowers you to achieve your goals, nurture meaningful relationships and embrace positive change.

Through one on one coaching sessions, I will guide you to explore new horizons, unlock your true potential and help you use the FLY framework for great transformational change. By combining my coaching expertise with your dedicated efforts, amplified by Allah’s blessings, you will embark on a transformational journey where you’ll truly soar, insha’Allah.

Hear directly from sisters who have experienced it themselves:

She looks at the individual and their needs, and her approach is nurturing, holistic and comprehensive.


Senior Mentor, Sabeel Sisters

I found advice from Umm Safwan very useful and reassuring as it provided a sense of guidance.


Founder, Marital Arts

She has helped me to relax and prioritise what matters most.


Home Educator

She has a knack of understanding your needs and helping you to navigate your priorities and set a vision with a mindset of excelling and reaching your potential.


Senior Mentor, Sabeel Sisters

She has helped me to explore my strengths and challenge the obstacles that hold me back.


Home Maker

She gave me the confidence and self-belief that it is something I could do if I wanted


Home Educator and Life Coach

May Allah protect you and reward you immensely with goodness and continual success, for all your help in assisting me realign my thoughts and guiding them back to Allah. Ameen. Today’s session with Tawakkul was empowering alhamdulillah 💕


Home Educator

I would say to the sisters – if they want to be a source of change, then they should know themselves well first: coaching will help unlock your latent potential and really give you the confidence in how you show up in all that you do.


Home Educator

Alhumdililah I’m happy Allah allowed me to take part in the sessions. I feel you’ve taught me many skills and how to apply them. The knowledge and application is something which is lifelong. Alhumdililah it gives a real insight to how to be in more control of situations and also getting a greater understanding of yourself and others. The main and primary focus of pleasing Allah Is not lost through the learning but incorporated exactly when needed.


Home Maker

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